Refund and Returns Policy

For any type of return to take place the following conditions are required Readymade products once sold, will not be exchange,return and refund. Only Fabric can be exchange.

Our store uses the “NO-RETURN POLICY” which means that once an product has been made then shipped to you it cannot be returned as our products are custom made to perfection and if by any chance the product you received is different from what you ordered or of a different size or is in bad condition ( We always send a picture of the product before shipping it to the customer and if anything is different from the sent image no return would be accepted ) it has to be informed within 48 hours at The product should also be shipped before 5 business days of the day we verify its return on your email , and should not be used and should have all the price tags and product tags and has to be returned in the same condition you received it . Balbir Silk Saree (inside India) Return Policy Our store uses the “NO-RETURN POLICY” which means that once an product has been made then shipped to you it cannot be returned as our products are custom made to perfection and if by any chance the product you received is different from what you ordered or of a different size or is in bad condition ( We always send a picture of the product before shipping it to the customer and if anything is different from the sent image no return would be accepted ) it has to be informed within 24 hours at The product should also be shipped before 3 business days of the day we verify its return on your email, and should not be used and should have all the price tags and product tags and has to be returned in the same condition you received it . Condition’s which are required for any type of return , both domestically of India as well as internationally to take place For any type of return to take place the following conditions are required 1.) The product should not be used 2.) All the tags attached to the product should be there 3.) Return has to informed at 48 hours (Internationally) and 24 hours (domestically) of receiving the product 4.) Any type of perfume should not be applied at the product 5.) It should be in the same condition as it was sent in Condition’s that applied for any return or exchange which is being made 1.) All the shipping cost of the product while returning has to be payed by the customer himself/herself 2.) Product should be properly packed in the same condition as it was received in Cancelation policy If a customer wants to cancel an order he/she has to inform us at within 5 business days
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